With the 2112 “One-Timer” locking system, we are expanding our range for locker applications with frequently or constantly changing users. Whether in public or internal areas, wherever employees, students or customers are offered lockers with free choice, the 2112 is used.
Operation is designed to be as simple as possible: To lock a locker, the user sets his personal 4-digit code in the open position of the rotating outer ring. He then turns the outer ring to the feed position and blurs his code by manually turning the number wheels. Done.
To open the cabinet again, the user sets his previously selected code again and turns the ring back to the open position.
The underlying functional principle is just as simple: In the open position, the combination lock is permanently in the code position, where it is available to any potential user. When the outer ring is turned closed, the previously freely selected code is stored mechanically. After the number wheels have been turned to the closed position, the lock is reliably locked and can only be opened with the code selected in the open position.
A service key is available to the manager of the lockers, with the aid of which rapid code finding or emergency opening is guaranteed at all times in the event of a lost code.
We have deliberately dispensed with an automatic code wipe function on the 2112. This has the advantage that users, who are often new and inexperienced in public areas, have more time to memorize the selected code, which keeps the need for emergency openings extremely low.
The purely mechanical 2112 locking system, reduced to the essential functions, is a robust, maintenance-free and therefore cost-effective and sustainable locking solution. It is perfectly suited for retrofitting to all cabinet doors with 16×19 mm standard perforations. All connection dimensions, special mounting options such as cup drilling or installation shell, right/left rotation adjustment, bolt selection, etc. are identical to our other locking systems and can be adopted 1:1.
As always with us: “Made in Germany”.
Assembly and operating instructions: